Good News

From Luke 4:14-19

Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee......When the book of the prophet Isaiah was handed him, he unrolled the scroll and found the passage where it was written:

"The Spirit of our God is upon me: because the Most High has anointed me the bring Good News to those who are poor. God has sent me to proclaim liberty to those held captive, recovery of sight to those who are blind, and release to those in prison - to proclaim the year of our God's favor."

Excerpts from "A Blessing of Angels" John O'Donohue


May the Angel of Compassion open your eyes

To the unseen suffering around you.


May the Angel of Justice disturb you

To take the side of the poor and the wronged.


May the Angel of Encouragement confirm you

In worth and self-respect,

That you may live with the dignity

That presides in your soul.


May all the Angels be your sheltering

And joyful guardians.


Be well,
