Resisting Isolation

A friend sent me a book recently. I look forward to reading it. Jesus and the Disinherited, by Howard Thurman. I knew of Thurman's influence on Martin Luther King Jr. and have wanted to learn more. As I read the back of the book this morning what struck me was Thurman's challenge to social isolationism. I'm not exactly sure what he means by that yet but I have a sense it's an important idea for me to explore. Here's a little more from the back of the book.

"As we struggle today with issues of poverty, racism, and spiritual disengagement, Thurman's discerning reading of the message of renewal through self-love, exemplified in the life of Jesus, resonates powerfully once again.

Challenging our submersion into individualism and social isolation, Thurman suggests a reading of the Gospel that recovers a manual of resistance for the poor and disenfranchised. He argues that within Jesus's life of suffering, pain, and overwhelming love is the solution that will prevent our descent into moral nihilism.

Thurman's work reaches past anger and distrust toward a vision of unity..."

Sounds like a worthwhile read to me. Perhaps I'll share a little more along my reading way.

Strength and joy to you today.
