We never pray alone

I came across these words from Madeleine L'Engle today. They're deeply comforting.

"We never pray alone. Ever. Even if there is no other human being around us who is willing or able to pray with us, we are in the company of angels and archangels. We are surrounded by a glorious cloud of witnesses. And, even when we feel most isolated, there are other human creatures somewhere, who are praying with us."

This idea encourages me. I like it because it encourages us to use our spiritual imagination when we pray. Perhaps it's good to pause before prayer and wonder who else may be praying with me right now. Mary Magdelene? Mother Theresa? My own mother? Heart-wrenched fathers and mothers in Palestine or Israel? A desperately sleepy mom nursing her child in the dark of night? A frightened soldier? A treatment-weary hospital dweller? A faith-filled child? Angels and archangels? The very Spirit of God?

We never pray alone. Ever.

Peace to you.
