
This morning I listened to a podcast where FR. Greg Boyle, a Jesuit priest, speaks about compassion. Boyle developed a ministry in Los Angeles to ex-gang members. I've had the privilege of visiting it while in LA. It's amazing!

One primary goal of the ministry is to help those served feel truly loved. Boyle says that showing compassion to the wounded, weary souls who seek their services is what helps each one claim their own intrinsic value. Boyle says compassion is really about seeing as God does. Jesus was known for the compassion he showed to the outcasts and marginalized because those were the ones who most needed it. It's this line from Boyle this morning that was my main takeaway.

"Compassion is a way of standing in awe at what people have to carry instead of in judgment."

I love that. And I want to live that. And yet I know how often judgment is my first thought.

But there is grace for me, too. Jesus reaches out to me as well, to us - with compassion.

May we move through this day to the rhythms of grace and stand in awe at what some people have to carry. And be compassionate.

Love and grace to you.
