Again I share something written by Steve Garnas-Holmes. May it bless you as it did me this morning.
Owe no one anything, except to love one another. -Romans 13:8
"And consider yourself owed nothing.
In the culvert of consequences,
there are no surprises.
In the machinary of commerce
everyone is indentured.
But the meadow of grace is alive
always and only in the present moment.
New Creation. No mortgage.
Owed and owe nothing.
Renounce your claims
and everything is gift.
This is the scandal of grace.
Nobody owes anybody anything.
It's all gift.
Your hard earned cash
or the next breath, all of it.
In the fresh present
there is only freedom and miracle,
wonder and gratitude,
receiving and giving with joy. "
Rich blessings to you today.